Your Impact



Your support, government funding and corporate sponsorship help to create a sustainable future for RISE UP Foundation, allowing us to identify, source and deliver a wide range of vocational and skills-based training programs and scholarships for disadvantaged and/or displaced young Kiwi adults across Aotearoa.

Whether they are Māori, Pasifika or Pākehā and irrespective of gender, our goal is to break the cycle of inequity. No youth should ever face such disadvantages, no matter their background.

Rich or poor – every youth in New Zealand has the right to a happy life!



There is a disturbing rise in unemployment amongst our Kiwi youth. This combined with high incident rates of suicide and attempted suicide, suggests there is a direct correlation between the two.  Helping to improve education levels of our disadvantaged and / or displaced Kiwi youth will have a positive flow on effect across health and wellbeing as well as employment.

Unemployment rate of young New Zealanders is three times the national average

Unemployment Rates: European 7.8%, Māori 15.5% and Pasifika 11.2%

NZ’s youth suicide rate for young people aged 15-19yrs is the highest of 41 OECD/EU countries

Māori & Pasifika males aged 15-24 had the highest rate of suicide.